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2023 Winners

Miss K-State: Sophie Schneider - Chi Omega
1st Runner up: Kaylee Brundgardt - Kappa Kappa Gamma
2nd Runner up: Alyssa Ansay - Alpha Delta Pi
3rd Runner up: Zoey Vontz - Kappa Delta

Social Media Award: Lauren Jarvis - Alpha Xi Delta
Team Spirit Award: Alyssa Ansay - Alpha Delta Pi
Crowd Favorite: Stella Harrington - Pi Beta Phi
Miss Congeniality: Sophie Schneider - Chi Omega

Sophie Schneider Miss K-State 2023

Sophie Schneider was named Miss K-State 2023 as a freshman representing the Chi Omega sorority. Throughout the pageant, Sophie’s compassion, grace, and sense of humor shined. She was named Miss Congeniality by her fellow contestants. In her career and interview rounds, Sophie spoke of her passions for service and health and wellness. Upon being crowned, Sophie donated her winnings to Cats’ Cupboard, a food pantry that serves students and the K-State community here in Manhattan. Sophie is a sophomore studying Chemical Engineering at K-State. She hopes to combine her interests of science, people, and community service in her future career.  

Abby Aguilar Miss K-State 2022
Abby won the competition as a freshman representing the Philippines Student Association, which she is now the current president of. Abby was fantastic throughout the competition but was really unique in her approach to the talent and career portions of the event. Abby fenced for her talent and showed off a phenomenal 3-D printed prosthetic hand from her department. Abby donated her winnings back to the Philippines to fund typhoon relief and youth empowerment. Prior to attending K-State, Abby grew up in Garden City, Kansas, but is actually an immigrant from the Philippines. Abby is currently studying Biomedical Engineering on a Pre-med track with a minor in Psychology. She plans to graduate in December of 2026 and eventually become a Psychiatric doctor.

2022 Winners
Miss K-State: Abby Aguilar - Philippine Student Association
1st Runner up: Maycie Sanders - Alpha Delta Pi
2nd Runner up: Maleah Boyd
- Zeta Tau Alpha 
3rd Runner up: Hayley Piroutek - Alpha of Clovia 
Social Media Award: Abby Aguilar - Philippine Student Association
Team Spirit Award: Rita Woster - Sigma Kappa 
Fan Favorite - Bethany Rice - Kappa Delta  
Miss Congeniality: Maleah Boyd - Zeta Tau Alpha


Katie Dreiling Miss K-State 2021
Katie won the competition as a junior representing Alpha Omega Epsilon. Her confidence and poise set her apart the whole night, and she is most remembered for her nerd-themed baton twirling routine in the talent round. Katie was the third recipient of the Miss K-State scholarship and put the funds toward finishing her undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering. Though her commitment to marching band as a twirler and Covid-19 restrictions impacted her ability to make appearances as Miss K-State, she loved emceeing the 2022 competition. Katie is from Bennington, KS, and upon graduation in May 2022, she will move to Overland Park, KS and work for Black and Veatch as a mechanical engineer in their power division.

2021 Winners
Miss K-State: Katie Dreiling - Alpha Omega Epsilon
1st Runner up: Ava Hauser - Kappa Delta
2nd Runner up: Rhianna Thomas - Smurthwaite
3rd Runner up: Caroline Gambill - Kappa Alpha Theta

Social Media Award: Caitlyn Rude - Kappa Kappa Gamma
Team Spirit Award: Kacy Lewallan - Sigma Kappa
Crowd Favorite: Kacy Lewallan - Sigma Kappa
MIss Congeniality: Ava Hauser - Kappa Delta

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 Cassandra Beattie Miss K-State 2019
Cassandra won the competition as a graduate student in Kinesiology, representing the 1863 Barbell Club. She did a phenomenal job in all rounds but is most remembered for showing her testament of strength by completing a powerlifting circuit consisting of a yoke carry and deadlifting 3x her bodyweight. Cassandra was the second recipient of the Miss K-State Scholarship and used the funds to finish her Master of Science in Kinesiology in Fall 2019. During her reign, Cassandra was in the Homecoming Parade, as well as attended the Children’s Carnival to pass out candy and tiaras. Cassandra is now a Ph.D. student in Kinesiology at K-State, conducting research on exercise and disease with hopes of having her own research lab one day. 


2019 Winners
Miss K-State: Cassy Beattie - 1863 Barbell Club
1st Runner up: Daijah Jones - Black Student Union
2nd Runner up: Marieli Monserrat - Hispanic American Leadership Organization
3rd Runner up: Natalie Leonard - Chi Omega

Social Media Award: Maddie Frankhauser - Kappa Kappa Gamma
Team Spirit Award: Katie Hutson - Alpha of Clovia 
Crowd Favorite: Lilly Hall - Delta Delta Delta 
Miss Congeniality: Mardi Traskowsky - Sigma Alpha Agricultural Sorority 


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Charlsie Fowler - Miss K-State 2018
Charlsie won the competition as a senior representing the Union Program Council. She did in extraordinary job in all rounds, but really stole the show when singing and signing "Never Enough" from The Greatest Showman. Charlsie was the first recipient of the Miss K-State Scholarship and used the funds to finish her degree over the summer. Before graduating, Charlsie made several visits to elementary schools to read and motivate children in their classes. Charlsie currently works at Disney World in Orlando Florida in costume design. She has still worn the crown from states away and had first runner-up, Emily Kyle, fill in for the Children's Carnival and Parade appearances during homecoming week. 


2018 Winners
Miss K-State: Charlsie Fowler - Union Program Council 
1st Runner up: Emily Kyle - Smurthwaite 
2nd Runner up: Jillian Borel  - KSU Marching Band
3rd Runner up: Meenu Mohankumar - International Coordinating Council   
Social Media Award:  Meenu Mohankumar  - ICC  
Team Spirit Award: Cassy Beattie - K-State Powerlifting    
Crowd Favorite: Mackenzie Haverkapmp - Alpha Delta Pi 
Miss Congeniality: Cassy Beattie - K-State Powerlifting

Bridgette Beasley - Miss K-State 2017

Bridgette won the competition as a  junior representing her sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma. She is most remembered for her humorous performances in the Wildcat, Talent, and Career Rounds. McCain was full of laughter after Bridgette's impromptu performance where she created a skit based on a random word from the judges - "slippers". During her reign Bridgette was in the Homecoming parade, made an appearance at the Children's Carnival, and read to kids in the Manhattan community. Bridgette also helped start a scholarship program that will provide funds for future Miss K-State winners. She is now in Oklahoma attending medical school. 
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2017 Winners
Miss K-State: Bridgette Beasley - Kappa Kappa Gamma 
1st Runner up: Kaytlyn Schwartz - Pi Beta Phi 
2nd Runner up: Natalie Alton - KSU Marching Band
3rd Runner up: Elizabeth Hayes  - Kappa Alpha Theta  
Social Media Award: Cooper Allison - Gamma Phi Beta   
Team Spirit Award: Ashton Thomas - Alpha Xi Delta    
Crowd Favorite: Sarah Zuspan - Zeta Tau Alpha
Miss Congeniality: Topanga McBride - Sigma Alpha 

Christine Rock - Miss K-State 2016
Christine won the competition as a sophomore representing her sorority Kappa Alpha Theta. Although she did an extraordinary job in each round, Christine truly stole the show with her Alphabet Aerobics rap during the talent round. During her reign, Christine was in the Homecoming parade, made an appearance at the Children's Carnival, and started a letter writing campaign for the Education for all Act. Through this campaign Christine was able to get people of all ages across the community to buy into the campaign to make a difference in other's lives. Christine's reign as Miss K-State will forever be remembered by the motivating platform she carried with her of  "Feeding the Hungry".


2016 Winners
Miss K-State: Christine Rock - Kappa Alpha Theta 
1st Runner up: Colleen Geller - Pi Beta Phi 
2nd Runner up: Kelli Veach - Apha Delta Pi
3rd Runner up: Brittany Hilfiker  - Alpha of Clovia 
Social Media Award: Molly Thomas - Delta Delta Delta  
Team Spirit Award: Abby Giles - Kappa Kappa Gamma   
Crowd Favorite: Elissa Bergmeier - Kappa Delta 
Miss Congeniality: Abby Giles - Kappa Kappa Gamma

Ashley Wilmoth - Miss K-State 2015
Ashley won the competition as a sophmore representing her sorority Alpha Delta Pi. Although she did an exceptional job in each round, Ashley truly stole the show with her clogging routine during the talent round. During her reign, Ashley was in the Homecoming parade, made an appearance at the Children's Carnival, represented the university at GTM's National Sales Meeting, and has been involved in community service efforts. Ashley still has yet to compete in "Dancing with the K-State Stars" and will emcee the 2016 Miss K-State competition. When Ashley is not wearing the crown she spends her time dancing as a Classy Cat, hanging out with ADPi sisters, and spending time with family in Wichita, Kansas.    

2015 Winners
Miss K-State: Ashley Wilmoth - Alpha Delta Pi
1st Runner up: Riley Gay - Kappa Alpha Theta
2nd Runner up: Bekah Shirley - Kappa Kappa Gamma 
3rd Runner up: Lauren Dunkak - Christian Challenge
Social Media Award: Ashley Wilmoth - Alpha Delta Pi 
Team Spirit Award: Kenzie Denies - Kappa Delta 
Crowd Favorite: Molly Gardner - Sigma Kappa 
Miss Congeniality: Phil Sulzen - Delta Alpha Pi Honors Society 

Abby Alsop - Miss K-State 2014
Abby won the competition as a freshman representing her residence hall - Boyd Hall. Her poise and confidence set her above the rest the entire night. She won the judges over when she performed her monologue that had the audience laughing and crying all within 2 minutes. During Abby's reign, she competed in "Dancing with the K-State Stars", made an appearance at Aggieville's 125th Birthday celebration, was in the Homecoming Parade, read to children at elementary schools, was recognized at K-State's Open House, emceed the 2015 competition, and more! Abby is from Garden City, Kansas and when she is not spending time with her nieces and nephews you can catch her adventuring around Manhattan with her ADPi sister friends! ​

2014 Winners
Miss K-State: Abby Alsop - Boyd Hall 
1st Runner up: Naci Peters - KSUMB Color Guard 
2nd Runner up: Jordan Priddle - Alpha Xi Delta 
3rd Runner up: Kendall Tompkins  - Zeta Tau Alpha 
Social Media Award: Katy Fernandes - Gamma Phi Beta  
Team Spirit Award: Katie Omo - Kappa Kappa Gamma   
Crowd Favorite: Ellen Collingwood - Chi Omega 
Miss Congeniality: Katie Omo - Kappa Kappa Gamma & Ellen Collingwood - Chi Omega 

Kaitlyn Dewell  - Miss K-State 2013
As the first ever Miss K-State Kaitlyn won the competition as a Junior representing her sorority Gamma Phi Beta. Her creativity and stage presence along with her outstanding vocal performance made her shine above all other contestants. She also caught everyone's attention when bringing her dog on stage for the personality round. During Kaitlyn's reign, she competed in "Dancing with the K-State Stars", Made an appearance at the Children's Carnival during homecoming, emceed the 2014 competition, and more! Kaitlyn is orginally from Meade, Kansas, but is currently traveling the country and pursuing a career in entertainment.  ​

2013 Winners
Miss K-State: Kaitlyn Dewell - Gamma Phi Beta  
1st Runner up: Kristen Eck - KSUMB Color Guard 
2nd Runner up: Lauren Dunkak - Alpha of Clovia 
3rd Runner up: Yessica Prato  - H.A.L.O 
Team Spirit Award: Ginger Wilson - Alpha Delta Pi  
Crowd Favorite: Sarabeth Kirchgessner - Alpha Chi Omega
Miss Congeniality: Kate Murphy - Zeta Tau Alpha & Heidi Hurtig - LSL Ambassadors

Josh Bichelmeyer

VP of Philanthropy

(913) 378-7244

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Delta Upsilon Fraternity

Grant Moffitt

Assistant Philanthropy

(816) 560-1708


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