
The Eleventh Annual


A Special Thanks to our 2024 Sponsors!

Become a Sponsor!
Support the 2023 Miss K-State Competition
The Miss K-State Competition is a wonderful opportunity for businesses around Manhattan to engage with the Kansas State University community. We hope that you would support the 2023 Miss K-State Competition by joining us in partnership. As a sponsor, you will gain the opportunity to have your business represented in multiple outlets and gain recognition. This event has become a well-loved tradition among the Kansas State student body. This year we are expecting 600+ members of the Kansas State and Manhattan community to attend. Along with that, there will 500+ watching from our Livestream. All businesses/individuals with sponsor status will receive complimentary tickets to this year’s competition.
The money raised from the 2023 Miss K-State Competition will go to Delta Upsilon’s International Philanthropy, the Global Service Initiative (GSI). GSI offers members a unique opportunity to engage in direct service in developing nations and the United States while uniting their actions with the principles of the Fraternity.